Easily Record Expenses with MoneyLover Assistant Have you ever felt frustrated having to open a mobile app and input expenses, which often involves numerous time-consuming steps? Worry no more! With MoneyLover Assistant, help is right at your fingertips through your browser extension. Convenient and direct on your browser: With MoneyLover Assistant, you can record expenses directly within your web browser. This means you no longer need to switch to your…

1.Data aggregation on the Home screen Example data: The selected expense category here is your most frequent spending category, and the total amount you have spent on that category. For example, Food & Beverages spent 54,625 USD. Average 5,567 USD/day: The average amount you have spent on Food & Beverages per day up to the present. Compare the amount spent on Food & Beverages for this…

1.Tổng hợp dữ liệu ở màn Home Dữ liệu ví dụ: Nhóm chi tiêu được chọn ở đây là Nhóm bạn thường xuyên chi tiêu nhất, và tổng số tiền bạn đã chi tiêu cho nhóm đó. Ví dụ ở đây là Food & Beverages đã chi 54.625.000 đ Trung bình 5.567.564 đ/ ngày: Số tiền bạn đã tiêu cho Food & Beverages trung bình…